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The Jacob Henkelman Foundation in remembrance of our son Jacob. The Foundation looks to support those families touched by organ donation both donor and recipients through scholarships for higher education and to provide support for those in need.

Together We Can.

Giving Back Through Life-Changing Experiences

Seeing a need for energetic nonprofit work in the area of organ donor family support, we formed our organization to provide solutions. We've consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community!

Our Events

Our signature event is a golf tournament held in July. Find out how you can participate in that, and other events, here!

Iowa Donor Network Events

Check out this lineup of events hosted by Iowa Donor Network.

About Us

Our Mission

To help those touched by organ donation, with compassion and respect, and to carry on the memory of those who have given life.


We are committed too providing scholarships to families of those who have been touched by organ donation.


Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to help people providing services with the people who need them. Come connect with people in new ways.

The greatest hero I never knew was the organ donor who saved my life.
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Help Our Cause

Your support and contributions will go to help fund scholarships for families of organ donors and donor recipients.

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© 2023 Jacob Henkelman Foundation


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